Tuesday 27 October 2009

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas no more...

The clock have gone back, the now golden crisp leaves are slowly floating down to the cold pavments, leaving the bare, thin trees looking like an elaborate paper cut out against the clear greyness of the sky; and now, when I go for my early morning walks in the winter sun, hearing the crisp of the leaves against my shoes, feeling snug in my thick military jacket and tweed scarf and seeing my breath infront of me when I exhale, to me, means that autumn is slowly arriving.

Today has been rather lazy for me, but non the less productive as I have finally gotten my school work out of the way with time to spare to quietly go down to my local high street and see what's new in the sweet and independant sleepy shops. I couldn't resistic getting a fortune fish from my favourite gift shop for it was only 50 pence and the retro packaging, which is now proudly taked to my wall, was adorable.
My fish curled up at both ends (the head and tail) and then eventually went into a full ball which means I am passionatly in love, which is fortunate seeing as one of the options of the fish was 'dead'.

There was once a small girl who was loney. Her parents were long gone, but she didn't mind, for in the warm suns of the year she had the fairies for company and their small woodland friends. However, when the weather grew cold and the wind became strong and wicked, the fairies went away and the girl was alone again, not even a word escaping through her small lips. So the girl hung on to summer, and although most of it managed to slip through her small and thin fingers, two butterflies remained, so that she, the lonely girl, had her winter company.'

All my loving;


  1. I used to love those fish fortune teller things when I was little! I forgot all about them :)

  2. thanks for the comment!!
    this is a cute little blog!
    good luck in your future posts

  3. i love your blog, your old one and this new one. it's so pretty! :)
    i have a new one too, i know what you mean about change and all, me too. :P
    check it out if you have some time. (:


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. YAY, love the new blog!!! The title is super cute. Thanks for the sweet comment on mine :)


  6. you look so magical in the last photo.
